
clear, blue easy

IMG_4767, originally uploaded by sawyers_kevin.

taste test…….blog tomorrow. more pix on flickr. just click image and feast your eyes.


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mother load


so i havent been the best for taking pictures lately and sorry to say there are none now BUT wait till after this weekend. tomorrow Tess (girl from Santa Cruz CA) and i are heading to Lago Atitlan.  the link above is sure to satisfy.  supposed to be FREAKIN beautiful with warm weather and beaches along the lake. this is where were gonna TRY to stay http://en.aaculaax.com/hotelaaculaax.html wish us luck.

also a hippy sanctuary of sorts.  lots of them came to the area in the 80s to help with the political situation with the US vs the Gorillas and the hippies never left.  meditation centers, yoga classes, lunar studies school etc…. sure to be a fun adventure and BOY do i need a break. Xela is getting to me, especially the exhaust.  dont know why but some days are just worse than others.  was sunny and gorgeous this afternoon and the exhaust just seemed so foriegn.  anyway, look for great stories and even greater pix next week.  hope all is well with anyone reading.  please comment. helps me get through the lonely times.

pura vida,



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made a new friend today from Santa Cruz.  we’re going to Lago Attltlan this weekend.  seems we were both looking for travel companions so we could actually do something while we’re here.  hard to travel alone actually. so her sister lives in SF (guess you know what that means)  dont be mad Amanda.  no one can replace you……completely.

ya’ll write now ya hear?





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dolor en mi cabeza 2

so here i am back in xela and TRYING to speak spanish again. leaving for over a week was a BAD thing to do when it comes to keeping in practice.  kicking it back in is difficult. i was overly frustrated the first two days back but after class on friday i feel a little better about it all. i´m making stupid mistakes that i know better than to make. una problema??? NO es UN problema.  stupid me….everyone knows problema is an irregular noun and even though it ends in an (a) it´s masculine.  DUH!!!!  you see what i mean?  i think i lost a few verbs along the way as well.  oh well, next week should be fine.  i have a new teacher named Mynor.  I´ll post a pic soon.  i can tell he´s going to be great. wish me luck.  gracias, k



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Chillin after the blue hole dive

Chillin after the blue hole dive, originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

i have to say this is one of my favorite pix to date of me and pete underwater. i´m bad-assin away while pete is chillin.
note that my fins and mask are color coordinated.


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Viper Rum Pum Pum Pum

Viper Rum, originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

OK. so i had to write a little bit about this. YUCK! i read about this nasty mess before going to Belize and of course our waiter at the resort comes over with a free shot for us. do you think i tried it? GIRL PLEASE! nasty with a capital WHAT THE %/$&!!!
well, pete tried it. and what a show it was. first you dip your finger in the VIPER RUM and then you light your finger on fire and put it in your mouth. then you use a piece of banana to pick up sugar on a plate and coat your tongue in suger…..then you down the shot of rum and quickly shove the banana in your mouth and eat it. how awful does that sound? believe me, watching it was worse.
fun huh?


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DSC_0173, originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.

thats right. another adventure at sea for me and the steinauer.
we went on another AGGRESSOR fleet boat in belize for 6 days of scuba diving.
check out more pix by clicking on the pic above. should lead you to my flickr account where you can access swimfinssf or maybe it will direct you stright to swimfinssf. dont know cause this is the first time for little ol me.

AND if you want the full story of all we did go to Swimfinssf.com for the full download by pete.



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thats right. and a happy little ol new year.

more blog posts and pix from belize when i return.

best to all.

smooches gracias,





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julio EL iglesias


IMG_4258, originally uploaded by sawyers_kevin.

so michele asked about my longest conversation yet. well it was with julio. what a wonderful person. again i have to say i´m one of the luckiest people alive. i have so many dear friends in the world. i´ve met some in NC during college, some in Atlanta during my short time there and more in SF. these are not mere friends, these are people i was meant to meet. people i have a solid bonding relationship with because we are of kindred spirits. now i come to xela, guatemala and i find another such friend. it brings tears to my eyes to know i´m this fortunate. 
so, julio and i sat down with a little vino and had the best time. he´s a teacher at another school here in xela so he knows just how fast to speak to me and exactly what to ask to encourage me to speak in spanish. we also had a lot of fun toying with english and spanish back and forth. the idea of a spang-lish dictionary came up.
sorry to say though, that is the end of that. tomorrow i leave for belize to meet the bestests man in the world (pete) for christmas and new years. when i return, julio will be gone for a visit with his partner in manchester, england for six months. 

adios mi amigo. go with god.


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sign of the apocalypse

okay, so matt thought it was a sign of the apocalypse that i was starting a blog.  i have news for you. apocalypse is NOW.  i just gave someone tech help on flickr.com and yahoo.  others are asking for help because they see the snazzy set up pete set up for me before i left.  hows that for a change?  you know youre in a third world country when kevin sawyers is the tech expert.  help us all.



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