mer made
so this could be one of the best pix i ever took BUT i need to edit just a bit to make that horizon line straight. check it.
laura spence aka….super-marmaid.
excessive exposure to unnecessary risk…..recklessness
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so this could be one of the best pix i ever took BUT i need to edit just a bit to make that horizon line straight. check it.
laura spence aka….super-marmaid.
yeah so it finally happened.
after two months of nothing but good luck…….i had my belongings stolen.
i was at a bar with a local guy i know hanging out. i had put my bag on the floor shoved up next to a plant. i think the only guys that saw where i put it were the door men. not that this info helps in any way. i went back to get it and to head back home aftar maybe half an hour. by bag was gone. the sad thing is my camera and my ipod were in it. also my favorite scarf (from old navy)…….it was totaly cute with vertical candy stripes in two shades of muted sea blue. there was also a pair of cheap sunglasses i didnt like anyway. they had kind of goldish coppery rivets on the lenses… tacky. so there you go. the download on life lesson 1. whats next?
went out to the local (open minded) club with some friends from school for a birthday party for one of the local guys.
it was a blast with loverly guy gals ending up face down on the floor….not me of course….i was in bed by 7:00………am
thats right….thats the ticket. this girl is rockin my world and rockin some crazy at the same time.
loves it.
went to Lago Atitlan with her this weekend.
more pix of THAT to follow.
dear lord.
check out more pix of me and me and laura and me and other stuff by clicking on the pic.
just had to share this one in particular.
i love the mix.
so heres the food thats all the rage in Mercado San Francisco. this is the largest open air market in all of Guatemala. ladies here are putting rice, refried beans and any meat you want in the large banana leaves. fast food the Guat way. didnt try any for fear of multiple days of sitting on the potty. es verdad.
take a look at the other 200 pix i took that day. some good some bad.
so, the time has come to make a decision about where to go next. if any of you knows someone who has taken a spanish course in el salvador, nicaragua, honduras or even panama PLEASE let me know soon. im not looking for a school thats for “professionals”or business people of any type. id prefer a small school with focus on helping the community wherever they are. one with volunteer programs built into the language program would be great as well. socially conscious por favor y por sabor.
let me know soon cause i gots to make a decision quick-lee
okay, so this is the interior of a not so full chicken bus on the way back from lago atitlan. usually 6 across and people standing up.
loverly. notice the reflexions. loves it.
just had to blog this image to. most of the getting around san marcos was on dusty tropical trails. that sounds contradictory but its not really. we made the mistake of NOT bringing a flashlight and walking on these trails at night can get kinda sketchy. tess and i both fell in big holes on the way to dinner sat night. luckily no injuries. our new friend LISA loaned us a flashlight for the walk back.
more on LISA later. she may join us here in XELA.
so here is the view from the room that tess and i stayed in at Lago Atitlan. the guide book told us to stay away from the UNFRIENDLY Jinava hotel but we desided to check it out anyway. it was far nicer than the hotels at the main dock but we found out (or at least i did) why they call it unfriendly. the german owner was a bit of a pain in the ass. i made the mistake of making a face when his wife told me the price of a drink. he spent the next 15 minutes lecturing me on why his drinks are the best and that they only use the best ingredients……bla bla bla. his staff then make make me the worst mojito that has ever exhisted. the mist was just floating in the glass whole.
anyway, it was worth it. did you get a look at the pic above? we ate 3 of our four meals at a hippie joint named Moonfish. the food was excellent. if i can work it out i may go back to lago atitlan before i leave. this past time i stayed in San Marcos. next trip will be to Santa Cruz. thats where the divers are. the lake is supposed to make for good diving and i may be able to get a high altitude certification. YAY!!!