nina baby
here she is world. our little girl is home with us and doin fine. she has the little puppy skittishness but adjusts quickly to new things. loves her pappas and LOVES fur stuff. what can i say, she’s a diva.
excessive exposure to unnecessary risk…..recklessness
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here she is world. our little girl is home with us and doin fine. she has the little puppy skittishness but adjusts quickly to new things. loves her pappas and LOVES fur stuff. what can i say, she’s a diva.
this is phase one of four so scroll down to read about each phase.
Here’s the first phase of “black motherboard”. i have all this “crap” sitting around that people from former jobs or friends from other places gave me. it all has memories attached to it so i didn’t want to get rid of it. what to do???
well, just glue it all to a board and resin the hell out of it. more to follow
Here you see i’ve scored a grid on my plywood board, glued all the pieces in place as they were on my original layout and then applied the first coat of resin. this is where the concept comes into play. the objects are starting to loose some of there shape. you start to question what some of them are. the next step for me was to paint the whole thing white so the clear resin build up around the objects would be covered and the objeccts would start to look as though they where sort of melting into the board or becoming unrecognizable, much like memories fade or become muddled by time. my plan changed a little. see Phase Three.
Here you see I decided to paint the piece black instead of white. white would have allowed you to see shadow better and the object silhouettes would have been more easily recognizable. black hides the shadows a bit and the sheen also helps confuse the viewer and question what the objects are even more. i thought this was my final step at first but something wasn’t quite there yet. more shine, more shine, more SHINE!!!
So here you see i resined the hell out of the piece again. starting to like it. actually i LOVE it. show me something shiny and i get all excited. again, i thought this was the final step but something just isn’t finished about it. i hung the piece on the wall and it seemed to not have enough presence. it needs to have a home. pete and i discussed and pete really surprised me with some GREAT suggestions. not to say that pete isn’t creative, he just doesn’t know it and doesn’t always respond to art out loud. anyway, the piece needs a home. now i’m thinking of creating a plush bed of stuffed fabric panels in a frame and having the black piece look as though it’s being presented in a plush silken box. OR mounting the piece on a mirrored surface that has a victorian wallpaper pattern applied.
i don’t know just yet. i’m leaning toward the fabric option but that’s gonna be some work for me. more to come.
i don’t know why but you people seem to want me to continue to rant and write on this page. don’t you have anything better to do but read the silly sass of a castro queen???
well, after my foray into central and south america i’m back in the US of A and doing little to nothing. i’m very good at that. doing little projects around the house sometimes. made a slip cover for the dining room table, brought my succulents back from near death (thanks pete…:O)) finally picked a towel rod and toilet paper holder for the newly remodeled bathroom, pete and i picked out a coffee table we liked and now i’m TRYING to hone in on the final color choices for the paint in the bedroom, entry hall and dining/living room. as a designer it’s tough picking these things for your own home. well, i’m off to lowe’s to get my Martha Stewart paint and get to it in the bedroom……painting that is.
so apparently one of my last designs at Gensler won and AWARD!!!! it’s in HOW Magazine. i can’t pull it up on line yet because it’s this months issue or something weird but if you can get a copy please do and let me know what the award was for and how much freakin money i’m gonna get for all the publicity i’m giving GENSLER. kidding.
that’s right mary, sister done gone and went out in BA.
she crazy like a HOOOOOOOOE. the city that never sleeps. ny can just give it up cause BA done beat the shit outta her.
me loves it.
that’s right, i’m seein double and thinkin triple. so, i MADE myself go out tonight and WALKED to none other than GLAM. it’s supposed to be the hottest thing sense sliced bread. they can keep the title if they want. it’s okay. have to give it to them. they ARE the hottest people on earth. take a little spanish and mix the language with a LOT of Italian and then throw in a NAZI or to and what do you get? an Argentine gay bitch that’s over 5’8″ with more attitude than you can throw a stick at. he looks GOOOOOOOOOOD though. gots to say the bitch know what she gotzzzesssss.
okay, so i walked for an hour at least to find this place “GLAM” (dear lord what a name) then i wait in line for not so long……maybe ten minutes. they made us wait much longer than needed to keep the line outside….of course. then i finally get in and its just FULL of Argentine folks and a bunch of english speakers. the natives can spot you a mile away and speak english to you almost immediately. it’s a disgrace i tell you. then, you finally start talking to one of them and you find out they’re from freakin COLUMBIA. then the columbian puts the latino moves on ya like you have never seen. blowin on your neck and stuff like out of a bad porn……i’m all like, “yeah, you go to the bathroom, I’ll be right here when you get back.
that was a lie.
i left the bar as fast as possible. it was at least 5:30 and these people showed no signs of letting up. it was all i could do to pull myself away. WELL, after a V and redbull and a V and 7up i was all kinds of talkative to the cab driver….who spoke PERFECT english. but at least i got to see that my spanish was really still there. then, after he dropped me off i went down the street, asked a guy (in spanish) where to get some food and then found a store and asked the store keep ( in spanish) if i could buy a sandwich, orange juice and a bottle of water. it was FAB to say the least. I STILL GOT IT BABY. now i’m here in my CIUUUUUUUUUUUUTE apt in BA typing and blabbering and eating my processed ham and cheese sandwich on white bread and drinking my GRAPEFRUIT juice and water. how’s that for ya?
loves ya all…..means it.
smooches from BA and you MUST visit soon.
it’s the freakin BOOOOOMBA!!!!!!
ill give you a star…….or something like that.
is this hot or what? i have a copy of a photo from a HB mag from the 40s or 50s hanging in the hall at home.
laura and i tried to recreate the shot but i think we missed by a little .
BUT still hot.
loves it. will probably do some photoshopping to make it more of a silouhette (help me lord i think i spelled that correctly) and hang it next to the one i already have.