DSC_0173, originally uploaded by SwimFinsSF.
thats right. another adventure at sea for me and the steinauer.
we went on another AGGRESSOR fleet boat in belize for 6 days of scuba diving.
check out more pix by clicking on the pic above. should lead you to my flickr account where you can access swimfinssf or maybe it will direct you stright to swimfinssf. dont know cause this is the first time for little ol me.
AND if you want the full story of all we did go to Swimfinssf.com for the full download by pete.
Pete | 05-Jan-07 at 12:57 am | Permalink
Click on the pic and it’ll take ya straight ot my photo collection.. Or you can click here to go straight to the photo collection from the trip! :):)
Jason | 05-Jan-07 at 7:28 pm | Permalink
OMG. So beautiful. Bitches are staying at 5-star hotels and swimming with dolphins…. thankfully, I love ya’ll, cuz otherwise I’d have to hate you. BTW, Kevin, you look fantastic. really. no, really, i’m not kidding.
kevin | 05-Jan-07 at 9:39 pm | Permalink
so good to hear from you again. i hope your holidays were fantastic. thanks for the complements btw. this guatemalan diet is kicking my ass. im sure ive lost at least 10 if not close to 20 lbs. i get a good breakfast lunch and dinner but its all good clean food that my host mother makes from scratch. id like to say honest livin had something to do with it but who would i be kidding?
smooches sweetheart. take care, k